I am a parent probably much like you. I have combined experience of family court and criminal law enforcement based background . I have done additional training in supporting people with mental health issues.
I am a now a Mckenzie Friend assisting in Family Court.

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4 March 2015

Could Family court cause PTSD

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 

Family breakdown is up at the top of the list alongside bereavement  on major causes of stress.The court process , especially if it involves Children's Services does not lessen this stress one iota. It would be completely normal to feel stressed at this time but the feelings should lessen over time. If they persist could it be post traumatic stress disorder, commonly shortened to PTSD?

 Common causes of PTSD include:

  • War
  • Major disaster
  • Rape,emotional or physical abuse
  • A threatening, uncontrollable situation
  • A serious accident
Basically speaking any situation where a person feels very out of control  , their lives or loved ones were in danger or they feel hopeless. 

The trauma could be a single event or a series of events taking place over months or years. It can affect adults or children


One of the most common symptoms of PTSD is
having repeated and intrusive distressing memories
of the event. There may also be a feeling of
reliving (or ‘re-experiencing’) the event through
‘flashbacks’ or nightmares, which can be very
distressing .
Some PTSD sufferers will avoid trigger situations and will also try not to think about the event, others will over think and relive the event constantly. Some will forget significant parts of the event.

PTSD causes a mixed bag of emotions, highs ,lows,anger,guilt,shame . The "what if's and "they should have" or "I should have" and "why me's" will also dominate the mind at times.

It would also be normal to be anxious and irritable and suffer sleep problems as well.

Depression and anxiety can also develop. There may be an increased tendency to self medicate with alcohol or recreational drugs. 

So can going through family court cause PTSD?

In my opinion yes. Family breakdown ticks the PTSD boxes, it is an out of control situation,it threatens safety of loved ones and it causes major trauma. In the case of care proceedings, I would suspect that a considerable percentage of  children and parents may already have PTSD before hand due to domestic violence or living in chaotic situations. The current system is going to exacerbate rather than help any symptoms.Is this good for the long term welfare of the child? 

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